@article{papalia2024overview,title={An Overview of the Burer-Monteiro Method for Certifiable Robot Perception},author={Papalia, Alan and Tian, Yulun and Rosen, David M. and How, Jonathan P. and Leonard, John J.},journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.00117},year={2024},archiveprefix={arXiv},}
MAC: Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity for Graph Sparsification
@article{doherty2024mac,title={MAC: Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity for Graph Sparsification},author={Doherty, Kevin and Papalia, Alan and Huang, Yewei and Rosen, David and Englot, Brendan and Leonard, John},journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.19879},year={2024},archiveprefix={arXiv},}
@article{papalia24cora,author={Papalia, Alan and Fishberg, Andrew and O'Neill, Brendan W. and How, Jonathan P. and Rosen, David M. and Leonard, John J.},journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},title={Certifiably Correct Range-Aided SLAM},year={2024},volume={40},number={},pages={4265-4283},keywords={Simultaneous localization and mapping;Robots;Optimization;Certification;Sensors;Manifolds;Extraterrestrial measurements;Certifiable perception;range-aided simultaneous localization and mapping (RA-SLAM);Riemannian Staircase;semidefinite programming;ultrawideband (UWB)},archiveprefix={arXiv},}
SCORE: A Second-Order Conic Initialization for Range-Aided SLAM
@inproceedings{papalia23icra,title={SCORE: A Second-Order Conic Initialization for Range-Aided SLAM},author={Papalia, Alan and Morales, Joseph and Doherty, Kevin J. and Rosen, David M. and Leonard, John J.},booktitle={IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},archiveprefix={arXiv},year={2023},}
Prioritized Planning for Cooperative Range-Only Localization in Multi-Robot Networks
@inproceedings{papalia22icra,title={Prioritized Planning for Cooperative Range-Only Localization in Multi-Robot Networks},author={Papalia, Alan and Thumma, Nicole and Leonard, John},booktitle={IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},pages={10753--10759},year={2022},organization={IEEE},archiveprefix={arXiv},}
Nested Sampling for Non-Gaussian Inference in SLAM Factor Graphs
@article{huang22ral,title={Nested Sampling for Non-Gaussian Inference in SLAM Factor Graphs},author={Huang, Qiangqiang and Papalia, Alan and Leonard, John J.},journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},volume={7},number={4},pages={9232--9239},year={2022},publisher={IEEE},archiveprefix={arXiv},}
Loosely-Coupled Human-Robot Teams for Enhanced Undersea Operations
Brendan W. O’Neill, Jesse R. Pelletier, Samuel Calvert, Alan Papalia, John J. Leonard, Lee Freitag, and Eric Gallimore
In Proc. of the IEEE/MTS OCEANS Conf. and Exhibition, 2022
@inproceedings{oneill22oceans,title={Loosely-Coupled Human-Robot Teams for Enhanced Undersea Operations},author={O'Neill, Brendan W. and Pelletier, Jesse R. and Calvert, Samuel and Papalia, Alan and Leonard, John J. and Freitag, Lee and Gallimore, Eric},booktitle={Proc. of the IEEE/MTS OCEANS Conf. and Exhibition},year={2022},organization={IEEE},}
Submarine Cables as Precursors of Persistent Systems for Large Scale Oceans Monitoring and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operation
Marcos Tieppo, Eduardo Pereira, Laura González García, Margarida Rolim, Emanuel Castanho, Aníbal Matos, António Silva, and
25 more authors
In Proc. of the IEEE/MTS OCEANS Conf. and Exhibition, 2022
@inproceedings{tieppo22oceans,title={Submarine Cables as Precursors of Persistent Systems for Large Scale Oceans Monitoring and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operation},author={Tieppo, Marcos and Pereira, Eduardo and Garc{\'i}a, Laura Gonz{\'a}lez and Rolim, Margarida and Castanho, Emanuel and Matos, An{\'i}bal and Silva, Ant{\'o}nio and Ferreira, Bruno and Pascoal, Maria and Almeida, Eduardo and Costa, Filipe and Zabel, Fred and Faria, Jo{\~a}o and Azevedo, Jos{\'e} and Alves, Jos{\'e} and Moutinho, Jos{\'e} and Gon{\c{c}}alves, Lu{\'i}s and Martins, Marcos and Cruz, Nuno and Abreu, Nuno and Silva, Pedro and Viegas, R{\'u}ben and Jesus, S{\'e}rgio and Chen, T{\^a}nia and Miranda, Tiago and Papalia, Alan and Hart, Douglas and Leonard, John and Haji, Maha and de Weck, Olivier and Godart, Peter and Lermusiaux, Pierre},booktitle={Proc. of the IEEE/MTS OCEANS Conf. and Exhibition},year={2022},organization={IEEE},}
Inter-mobile-device distance estimation using network localization algorithms for digital contact logging applications
Lillian Clark, Alan Papalia, Jônata Tyska Carvalho, Luca Mastrostefano, and Bhaskar Krishnamachari
@article{clark21health,title={Inter-mobile-device distance estimation using network localization algorithms for digital contact logging applications},author={Clark, Lillian and Papalia, Alan and Carvalho, J{\^o}nata Tyska and Mastrostefano, Luca and Krishnamachari, Bhaskar},journal={Smart Health},volume={19},pages={100168},year={2021},publisher={Elsevier},archiveprefix={arXiv},}
Network Localization Based Planning for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Inter-Vehicle Ranging
@inproceedings{papalia20auv,title={Network Localization Based Planning for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Inter-Vehicle Ranging},author={Papalia, Alan and Leonard, John},booktitle={IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Symposium},year={2020},organization={IEEE},archiveprefix={arXiv},}